Hi, we are Assessu!

We are an Ofqual-regulated End Point Assessment Organisation with a difference.
We are agile and customer-focused, enabling us to offer a flexible service, clear pricing structure and a large range of support materials to support employers, training providers and apprentices.
High quality and fair assessments
Consistent and personalised service
Easy to do business with
No registration fee and clear costs

Why Choose Assessu?

Planning and delivery of our End Point assessments ensure a positive apprentice and employer experience
Professional, vocationally competent and independent End Point Assessors
A collaborative approach with employers and Assessu colleagues help to provide a seamless assessment experience
Remote assessments allow greater flexibility, maximises assessment opportunity and cost efficiencies
End-to-end support and guidance provided from Gateway to results
Fair, consistent and validated judgements provided by expertly trained and respected professionals
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Who we work with

What we can do for you

We’re at the cutting edge when it comes to apprenticeships, from advice and expertise to our End Point assessment (EPA) solutions, we can support you in navigating your assessment journey. Working as an independent End Point assessment organisation, Assessu offers a range of services specialising in the completion of End Point assessment in Retail, Hospitality, Health and Social Care, Management, Business Administration and Supply Chain.

EPA Vision is our fully integrated EPA Management System to support, manage and securely store assessment documentation. Developed in-house to meet the needs of stakeholders, EPA Vision enables Providers and Employers to quickly view their Apprentice’s EPA journey, results and assessment dates.

Contact us if you would like to know more

EPA Journey

Ready for EPA The start of the apprentice’s End Point assessment journey begins with the completion of a ‘readiness declaration’ stating that the apprentice is ready to begin the End Point assessment. At this point, the apprentice will have already been registered on our Addico system for their EPA.
Planning EPA Assessu Independent End Point Assessors, conduct a planning meeting to agree on a schedule for the assessments within the EPA. During this meeting the identity of the apprentice must be verified with photo ID, full or provisional driving licence or passport. Further guidance will be provided before this meeting, dependent on the different assessments and any specified timeframes. The independent End Point assessor will then make sure the dates fit in with the assessment window as well as confirming suitable testing arrangements and invigilation procedures.
Assessments Booked Further guidance will be provided before this meeting, dependent on the different assessments and any specified timeframes. The independent End Point assessor will then make sure the dates fit in with the assessment window as well as confirming suitable testing arrangements and invigilation procedures.
All Set The Assessu Independent End Point Assessors ensure the apprentice and the employer understand the assessments that are being planned and agreed upon.
Assessments Undertaken Most assessments will be conducted online using Microsoft Teams with your allocated Independent End Point Assessor. If your End Point Assessment includes an observation-based component then this will be carried out in your workplace with your allocated Assessor.
Certification Assessu claim the apprentice’s apprenticeship certificate, issued by the Institute of apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE).
Appeals and Queries We do have an appeals process in place should you not be happy with the result you have received from us.
Guidance and Support We understand that EPA can be a nerve wracking time for many, planning, preparation and communication are key and we are here to support you every step of the way. We provide EPA and guides for you and your apprentice to give clear support and enable preparation for End Point Assessment.
Ready for EPA The start of the apprentice’s End Point assessment journey begins with the completion of a ‘readiness declaration’ stating that the apprentice is ready to begin the End Point assessment. At this point, the Apprentice will have already been registered on our Addico system for their EPA.
Planning EPA Assessu Independent End Point Assessors, conduct a planning meeting to agree on a schedule for the assessments within the EPA. During this meeting the identity of the apprentice must be verified with photo ID, full or provisional driving licence or passport. Further guidance will be provided before this meeting, dependent on the different assessments and any specified timeframes. The independent End Point assessor will then make sure the dates fit in with the assessment window as well as confirming suitable testing arrangements and invigilation procedures.
Assessments Booked Further guidance will be provided before this meeting, dependent on the different assessments and any specified timeframes. The independent End Point assessor will then make sure the dates fit in with the assessment window as well as confirming suitable testing arrangements and invigilation procedures.
All Set The Assessu Independent End Point Assessors ensure the apprentice and the employer understand the assessments that are being planned and agreed upon.
Assessments Undertaken Most assessments will be conducted online using Microsoft Teams with your allocated Independent End Point Assessor. If your End Point Assessment includes an observation-based component then this will be carried out in your workplace with your allocated Assessor.
Certification Assessu claim the Apprentice’s Apprenticeship certificate, issued by the Institute of Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE).
Appeals and Queries We do have an appeals process in place should you not be happy with the result you have received from us.
Guidance and Support We understand that EPA can be a nerve wracking time for many, planning, preparation and communication are key and we are here to support you every step of the way. We provide EPA and guides for you and your apprentice to give clear support and enable preparation for End Point Assessment.

About Us

Assessu is part of the Remit Group, who has a history of respected quality training and development delivery across a wide range of work-based industries and sectors. Assessu is a Ofqual regulated EPAO and registered with the ESFA on the government’s Apprenticeship Providers and Assessment Register’ (APAR). The business is independently operated by an experienced board of directors and managers from across the education and training sector, offering a unique balance of industry insight, knowledge and expertise to provide every employer and their apprentices with a fair and quality assured End Point assessment experience.

Assessu prides itself on ensuring our team of End Point assessors, invigilators and internal quality assurers are provided with customer and standard-specific training to ensure they provide all customers with the highest level of service during
the EPA process.

Gary Tovey

Managing Director

Mark Horne

Delivery & Quality Manager

Kara Hobbins

Qualifications Development Manager
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Our Vision, Mission & Values

To be the End Point Assessment Organisation of choice to employers and providers by offering focused solutions whilst continuing to place the Apprentice at the heart of all we do
We deliver high quality and fair assessments that enhance the Apprenticeship experience through a consistent and personalised service


Assessu Update: 17/01/2024

Dear Training providers, Level 4 Retail Manager Mock Paper is now available on EPA Vision and can be undertake as soonas the apprentice is ready. This paper is a short answer paper and therefore is marked manually using a Mark Scheme. TheMark Scheme is in the Support and Guidance section of EPA Vision. Kind regardsAssessu
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